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Results for: 'flower position'

Mendel's Pea Experiment

By: HWC, Views: 6055

Sugar snap peas were common garden plants during Mendel's lifetime and many varieties undoubtedly grew in the abbey gardens. An avid gardener. this is where Mendel first made observations about pea plants. He noticed that certain characteristics of peas were passed from generation to generation. ...

Monohybrid crosses

By: HWC, Views: 4447

A monohybrid cross is a cross between two parents that breed true for different versions of a single trait. In this example, that trait is flower color. The allele that specifies purple flowers is dominant over the allele that specifies white flowers. The purple-flowered plant has two domin...

Mendel's pea plant, Pisum sativum experimental

By: HWC, Views: 4506

Mendel chose the garden pea plant, Pisum sativum, for experimental tests of his ideas about inheritance. Under normal circumstances, the garden pea plant is self-fertilizing. This cross-section shows the gamete-forming structures. Sperm-producing pollen grains form in the stamens. Eggs deve...

Mendel's Principles of Dominance, Segregation and Independent Assortment

By: HWC, Views: 6156

Mendel selected true-breeding parents with contrasting traits, for example, purple and white flower color, and performed reciprocal crosses by choosing pollen from one parent and hand pollinating the seed-forming parent with this pollen. A cross-fertilization resulted from this procedure. In t...

Chemical Equilibrium between N2O4 (colorless gas) and NO2 (brown gas)

By: HWC, Views: 5958

For a system at equilibrium: ◆ both forward and reverse reactions are occurring simultaneously ◆ rate of forward reaction must equal rate of reverse reaction OR Rate forward = Rate reverse ◆ concentrations of reactants and products remain constant with time the equilibrium positio...

Asthma Treatment

By: Administrator, Views: 9785

Acute exacerbations of asthma can require management in the emergency department. The child is placed in a semisitting position to facilitate respiratory effort.

Supine Position

By: Administrator, Views: 9722

Anatomic: Body erect, head facing forward, arms by the sides with palms to the front; used as a standard anatomical position of reference Dorsal recumbent: On back with lower extremities flexed and rotated outward; used in application of obstetric forceps, vaginal and rectal examination, and ...

Lateral Position

By: Administrator, Views: 443

Anatomic: Body erect, head facing forward, arms by the sides with palms to the front; used as a standard anatomical position of reference Dorsal recumbent: On back with lower extremities flexed and rotated outward; used in application of obstetric forceps, vaginal and rectal examination, and ...

Prone Position

By: Administrator, Views: 9440

Anatomic: Body erect, head facing fotyvard, arms by the sides with palms to the front; used as a standard anatomical position of reference Dorsal recumbent: On back with lower extremities flexed and rotated outward; used in application of obstetric forceps, vaginal and rectal examination, and...
